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What I'm Passionate About...

Business & Leadership

I've always had a knack for numbers and seeing trends.  I truly love digging into why something happens the way it happens!  As a business woman, it is important to make smart decisions about your marketing, time investments and resources to run your business profitably.  At Paragon Trade Brands, I was responsible for developing and tracking a solid marketing plan, developing the relationship between our clients and company and ultimately, the profit of my brands!  It was an incredible learning experience that serves me to this day!


Read Good Books

Take Classes to Improve

Host Webinars Regularly

Speak at Presentations & Trainings 

Run & Bike

Cheer & Encourage my Kids

Set Goals & Achieve Them


My creative juices need to be exercised regularly!  Whether I'm reinventing a furniture piece I found at an estate or yard sale with paint and fabric, or designing and sewing a fabulous dress, or creating a new garden area, my goal is to make something beautiful and pleasing to see as often as I can!  I love seeing color, flowers, and texture in a way that makes people take a second look and say wow!   

Women of Power Mentor Award '13

Stream Top Gunner Award '13

Power of Leadership Award '06

Paragon Outstanding Achievement '95

Fleming Vendor of the Year Award in 1995

Bristol Myer's Outstanding Salesperson of the Year 1988

Faith & Family

I truly work every day to believe these principles:
God is who He says He is!  God can do what He says He can do!  I am who God says I am!  I can do all things through Christ.  God's word is alive and active in me!  I'm not ashamed to steal this from a Beth Moore Bible study, called Believing God.  Somehow, I just don't think she would mind!  And while my spirit comes from God, my heart warms every day for my family!  I love my 3 kids to the moon and back a zillion, trillion times!  And I am who I am today because of the choices I made to make them a priority during their growing years!    
Fitness & Health
Not only do I love working with athletes, but I am proud to call myself an athlete!  A heart for competition and a drive to be the best can hardly be taught in a classroom.  Fitness takes commitment, discipline and effort.  It's getting up when you don't feel like it and still competing, even if it's just against your own performance the day or week prior.  An active life is healthy, adventurous and fun!  It is a choice to live and eat healthy, but it's so worth it!  I come from a family that knows good food and would rather cook than eat out!  Often times, the food came straight out of the garden to the bowl or pan and you just can't beat fresh off the vine! When we all get together, everyone, and I mean everyone, is in the kitchen!  It's just what we do... and I love it!
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